December 2023 - Stuart Bedasso Radio

A 24 hour internet radio station, creamy podcasting goodness, & juicy internet mayhem. Enjoy!


Read Books

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Vagina Fumes

Friday, December 15, 2023

Beam Me Up, Kenneth

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Vote for Salad

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Driving in Bad Weather is Like Reading an Ayn Rand Book

8:23 PM 0
  1. The whole time you’re doing it you’re asking yourself, “is this really necessary?”

  2. There’s always at least one guy (and yes, it will be a guy…probably in a pick-up truck) who thinks the laws of physics doesn’t apply to him and will do whatever he damn well pleases.

  3. When Fucknuts realizes he can’t do whatever he wants, it will be too late and he’ll take out 10 other people with him. (Both the driver & protagonist.)

  4. When it’s all over, you just want to punch Ayn Rand in the face. (Yes, even after driving in bad weather.)

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Saturday, December 2, 2023
